Spectrum Health – Public Meeting Notes

Oadby Liberal Democrats arranged a well-attended public meeting last week to discuss issues with the Spectrum Health GP Surgery. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the discussion.

Residents were able to put their concerns to NHS representatives and heard from Dr. Roy on how the new management of the GP surgery are hoping to take the things forward.

Detailed meeting notesĀ can be found here.

Water Mains Works – Drop-in Session

Severn Trent have written to residents to update us about the next phase of the water mains works. I’ve uploaded a scan of the letter.

There is a drop-in session this Wednesday 14th December 2.30pm to 6.30pm. The venue is Oadby Baptist Church, Leicester Road, Oadby, LE2 5BD. Residents and businesses with questions or wishing to know more are encouraged to pop at in any time between these hours.

The works are due to start on 9th January 2023 and should be be completed in May 2023.

Possible Sale of Part of Oadby’s Reflection Park:

An update from Councillor Ian Ridley:

Several residents have asked for my views on this. The borough council are consulting on the sale of part of Oadby’s Reflection Park on London Road, following an offer from an individual.

Councillors have received legal advice that we cannot “pre-determine” our decision on this issues as this may leave their vote open to challenge. In short, the advice is that I cannot have a closed-mind on the issue – otherwise a committee decision might be overturned..

I can say that based on the information that I have assessed up to now, I do not agree with the sale although I will consider arguments from both sides when the report on the decision comes before councillors.

I encourage residents to have their say after reading the council’s statement on the consultation and the arguments put forward by local Liberal Democrat campaigners and other community groups.