Planning Update: 20th Sept 2022

Here are the current planning applications that we are aware of in, or adjacent to, St. Peter’s ward. You can comment on applications by following the links to the Borough Council’s planning list.

22/00293/FUL: Proposed construction of football centre comprising of 6 x 4G pitches ,club room and changing facilities, fencing, floodlighting and car park. | Land East Of Washbrook Lane Oadby Leicestershire

22/00317/FUL: Dormer extension at rear; two rooflights at front; alterations to house (Class C3). 8 Foxhunter Drive LE2 5FE

22/00339/HPA: 126 Harborough Road Oadby Leicestershire LE2 4LD Proposal : Notification of proposed single storey rear extension measuring 4.5m beyond the rear wall of the dwellinghouse; maximum height 3.95m, maximum height to the eaves 2.50m

22/00332/FUL Site Address: 9 The Morwoods Oadby Leicestershire LE2 5ED Proposal : Two storey side and rear extensions and single storey rear and front extensions

22/00267/FUL Site Address : 41 Kenilworth Drive Oadby Leicestershire LE2 5LT Proposal : Proposed 2 storey rear extension to industrial unit

Recent Planning Decisions

22/00235/FUL Construction of single storey extension at rear and two storey extension at side and rear of house (Class C3). Application Permitted 15-Sep-22 1 Valentine Drive Oadby Leicestershire LE2 5GN

22/00330/NMA Non material amendment to planning permission 21/00614/FUL (Addition of an obscure glazed window to ground floor side elevation). Application Permitted 14-Sep-22 6 Aintree Crescent Oadby Leicestershire LE2 5GD