Annual Voter Registration Underway

Polling Station cc-by-sa/2.0 – © Bill Nicholls –

Every year Oadby and Wigston Borough Council compile the electoral register of local residents who can vote.

The forms are now dropping through letter boxes in St. Peter’s. It is easy to confirm your details online by following the instructions on the form (I’ve just done this for our household).

You can also confirm the details by phone or text message or return the form in the post.

Registering to vote is a legal requirement. It also means that you can have your say in local and national elections. Being on the electoral register can also improve your credit rating for everything from mortgages to mobile phone contracts.

Keeping Your Information Private

Access to the full electoral register is strictly controlled, but there is a version, called the ‘open register’, which can be bought for non-electoral activities.

The good news is that you can remove your details from the open register when registering or at any point thereafter by contacting the Electoral Services office at Oadby and Wigston Borough Council

If your anonymity is important, such as for those fleeing domestic abuse, there is an option to register without appearing on either list. Applicants will need certain documentation and again should contact Electoral Services.